At Verde Lawyers, in addition to our professional legal services, we offer high quality and efficient public notary services. If you need to use your document overseas, you will require the services of a public notary to have your document notarised so it is accepted overseas.
There are three pathways to obtaining the notarisation of your document that Davityan Lawyers can assist you with:
1. Some countries only require your document to be Notarised by a Notary Public before it can be sent overseas.
2. Other countries also require the authentication of your document: If the country is a party to the Hague convention, once your document is notarised, it will then require authentication by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) who affix an apostille, before it can be used overseas.
3. If the country is not a party to the Hague convention, a third step is required. Once the document has been notarised and authenticated by DFAT, the document must be sent to the relevant Consulate or Embassy to be legalised.
Please contact us today to arrange an appointment to discuss how we can assist you in notarising your documents.
Suite 301, Level 3, 507 Kent St
Sydney, NSW, 2000
We are a short walk from Town Hall Station
Ph: (02) 9283 5290
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation